
In Vermont - Monday, October 14 at 8:00 AM, Green Mountain Horse Association, South Woodstock. Day of Ride registration available.

Virtual – Ride any day, anywhere (and what you want). Registration open through March 31, 2025.

Ride Day Schedule for Monday, October 14

IMPORTANT: Riders and their horses are allowed on the trails at GMHA. Helmets are required for all riders. Registered youth (ages 12-17) MUST be accompanied by a registered adult.

7:45 AM: GMHA grounds/stalling opens

8:00 AM: Rider check-in begins and the Tea-Cup Auction and Quilt Raffle Ticket sales begins in the community building at GMHA. Weather permitting, this will be held outside on the porch of the Community Building.

9:00 AM: The Komen Welcome and Survivor Ceremony will take place in the community building at GMHA. Note: The Welcome and Survivor Ceremony will be held outside, weather permitting. GMHA Ride instructions are also scheduled to begin at 9:00 AM. Note: We realize that not all our 2024 registered survivors will be on site at GMHA on Monday, October 14, but it is our intention to maintain the Ride's sense of camaraderie and to recognize the inspiring spirit of our honorees that energizes us to continue the fight to end breast cancer forever.

12:00 PM: Lunch items will be provided for a $5 contribution, inside of the community building. Riders may pick up provided food and eat on the GMHA grounds, outside. You may bring a lawn chair.

12:30 PM: Top Fundraising Rider Recognition, Pinkest Horse and Rider Recognition and the Tea Cup Auction and Quilt Raffle Winners will be announced (during and after lunch).

FYI: Virtual riders may complete their rides anywhere, at any time throughout month of October or on another day as needed.

In order to ride in-person at GMHA in Vermont, all registered riders MUST email a signed GMHA Waiver (download, sign and return) AND their documented evidence of negative Coggins and Rabies (either by scan or photo) to Linda Maness at LManess@komen.org before October 13.

Virtual Ride Schedule
Virtual riders you have the flexibility to complete your ride anywhere, on any day — through March 31, 2025. We hope you will share photos of your ride and let us know your ride location!

Frequently Asked Questions

The In Person Ride opportunity will be held on Monday, October 14, 2024, at Green Mountain Horse Association in South Woodstock, VT. For Virtual Riders you may ride when you wish, at a location of your choice, up through March 31, 2025.
The In person Ride is meant to be a scenic pleasure trail ride. Riders at Green Mountain Horse Association in South Woodstock may expect a ride length between 5-9 miles.

Yes, up-to-date (within one year of the Ride date, Oct. 14, 2024) negative Coggins & Rabies evidence (per Green Mountain Horse Association requirement) and a signed GMHA Waiver MUST also be e-mailed to Linda Maness at LManess@komen.org by October 13. Helmets are required to ride at GMHA. Youth Riders ages 12-17 MUST be accompanied by a registered adult rider.

Stalling information:
Stalling information as follows: GMHA members $30 per night; Non-members $45 per night; Day stalls $10; Shavings $10/bag and Hay $10/bale. Payment (checks made out to "GMHA") are expected to be given to Susan G. Komen representative on site (Linda Maness). Stall reservations need to be made with Linda by October 11 by e-mail at LManess@komen.org. Should GMHA determine a stall to be left "unstripped" after the event, $50 will be billed to the responsible rider.

Registration is free. Day of event registration will be available in person between 7:45 - 8:45 AM. Riders MUST provide evidence of a rabies shot and a negative Coggins test, as well as meet or donate the minimum fundraising levels of adults $150 and youth $75. GMHA Waiver will require a signature to participate. NOTE: Registered Virtual Riders may take part on any day and #RideWhereYouAre.
Registration is free. Virtual Adult riders are expected to raise a minimum of $150 and Virtual Youth riders are expected to raise $75. Virtual riders may register online through March 31, 2025; please note that this is the final day for 2024 Ride for the Cure fundraising!
Vermont in person riders will get a Susan G. Komen Ride for the CureŽ t-shirt, a commemorative Ride pin, a gift bag, an opportunity to take part on-site fundraising activities, and a great feeling from participating.
Pets, other than your horse, are prohibited from the event.
Susan G. Komen holds the right to cancel or change the date or location of the Ride in its sole discretion, including in the circumstance of extreme weather. It is likely, however, that the event will happen rain or shine. Please dress accordingly.
The success of any fundraising event depends on support received from volunteers, and the Komen Ride for the Cure is no exception. The are many volunteer opportunities leading up to the day of the Ride - raffle prize solicitation, business sponsorship pursuit, breakfast and lunch assistance - and onsite opportunities on the day of the Vermont Ride, Monday, October 14. Please contact Linda Maness if you are interested in volunteering: LManess@komen.org or (802) 548-4691